Affiliate Program EvoSim Universe

Evosim Universe offers a bonus program for its active users, providing a multi-level reward system.

Our community has access to an additional source of income beyond rewards for their own online activity; everyone can earn from the actions of other community members who conduct financial transactions, regardless of how deep these users are within the team.

The community in Evosim Universe has the opportunity to increase earnings through affiliate accruals and receive one-time bonuses for reaching new levels by the following methods:

  • Developing their own community within the project

  • Increasing the number of NFT assets purchased on the company’s Marketplace

  • Performing rewarded actions

The banner below displays a table where you can learn about the program’s requirements, reward sizes, bonuses, and Affiliate levels.

Let's take a closer look at the available types of NFTs that activate participation in the Affiliate program:

Type: Common

Affiliate levels: 1–2

Level profitability: 5%–7%

Type: Uncommon

Levels: 1–4

Level profitability: 5%–10.5%

Type: Rare

Affiliate levels: 1–5

Level profitability: 5%–12%

Type: Epic

Affiliate levels: 1–6

Level profitability: 5%–13%

Type: Legendary

Affiliate levels: 1–11

Level profitability: 5%–16%

You can learn more about the types of NFTs and their characteristics in our detailed article

Let's delve deeper into the Affiliate levels

First Affiliate Level. Users who purchase any available NFT (from Common to Legendary) on the Marketplace activate the Affiliate program and reach the first level. They receive 5% from the transactions of personally invited users for rewarded actions.

Second Affiliate Level. Upon achieving an Affiliate team turnover of 30,000 EST tokens, a user progresses to the second level and receives 7% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

Third Affiliate Level. With an Uncommon NFT or a more unique item in the inventory and reaching an Affiliate team turnover of 100,000 EST tokens, a user moves to the third level and receives 9% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

Fourth Affiliate Level. With an Uncommon NFT or a more unique item in the inventory and an Affiliate team turnover of 250,000 EST tokens, a user advances to the fourth level and receives 10.5% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

A one-time bonus for reaching a new Affiliate level is 10,000 EST tokens.

Fifth Affiliate Level. With a Rare NFT or a more unique item in the inventory and an Affiliate team turnover of 500,000 EST tokens, a user progresses to the fifth level and receives 12% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

A one-time bonus for reaching a new Affiliate level is 20,000 EST tokens.

Sixth Affiliate Level. With an Epic NFT or Legendary NFT in the inventory and an Affiliate team turnover of 1,000,000 EST tokens, a user advances to the sixth level and receives 13% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

A one-time bonus for reaching a new Affiliate level is 50,000 EST tokens.

Seventh Affiliate Level. With a Legendary NFT in the inventory and an Affiliate team turnover of 5,000,000 EST tokens, a user moves to the seventh level and receives 14% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

A one-time bonus for reaching a new Affiliate level is 200,000 EST tokens.

Eighth Affiliate Level. With a Legendary NFT in the inventory and an Affiliate team turnover of 10,000,000 EST tokens, a user advances to the eighth level and receives 14.5% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

A one-time bonus for reaching a new Affiliate level is 500,000 EST tokens.

Ninth Affiliate Level. With a Legendary NFT in the inventory and an Affiliate team turnover of 30,000,000 EST tokens, a user moves to the ninth level and receives 15% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

A one-time bonus for reaching a new Affiliate level is 1,500,000 EST tokens.

Tenth Affiliate Level. With a Legendary NFT in the inventory and an Affiliate team turnover of 100,000,000 EST tokens, a user progresses to the tenth level and receives 15% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

A one-time bonus for reaching a new Affiliate level is 5,000,000 EST tokens.

Eleventh Affiliate Level. With a Legendary NFT in the inventory and an Affiliate team turnover of 250,000,000 EST tokens, a user advances to the eleventh level and receives 16% from the rewarded actions of invited users.

A one-time bonus for reaching a new Affiliate level is 10,000,000 EST tokens.

Reward Calculation Algorithm

Pay attention to example 3: if a user has previously reached a certain level and then sells a more expensive NFT from their inventory and buys a cheaper one, they will receive rewards commensurate with their Affiliate turnover and the presence of a specific type of NFT in their inventory.

Reward Calculation Algorithm: the highest level reached by this user will be considered when determining the reward amounts for the upstream user.

Actions Eligible for Rewards:

  • Purchasing NFTs from EvoSim Universe on the Marketplace: The reward amount depends on the cost of the NFT purchased by the personally invited user and your Affiliate level.

  • Minting: This action is performed using two tokens, EST & ENT. Depending on your Affiliate level, you will receive a percentage of the cost of this operation in both tokens, respectively.

  • Level Up. The reward is calculated based on the cost of each upgrade according to your current affiliate level. Also, only for every fifth upgrade, when moving to the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th levels, the volume of the EST token is considered in the team turnover. Rewards from the ENT token part, which is required for each fifth upgrade, are accrued according to your current affiliate level and are not included in the team turnover.

All Affiliate rewards are credited to your Spending Wallet.

Actions Not Eligible for Rewards:

  • Secondary Purchase of NFTs on the Marketplace from Other Users: Does not entail reward accrual.

  • Recovery: An action to reset the Total Limit in NFT does not entail reward accrual.

Affiliate Turnover Calculation Algorithm

To progress to the next level, no more than 33% of the required volume for the next level can be counted from a single branch.

In the Affiliate team turnover, 100% of the cost of rewarded actions performed by users in the first line is considered, and 50% from rewarded actions starting from the second line and deeper within the team.

For reaching subsequent Affiliate levels, no more than 33% of the necessary volume for the targeted level can be counted from each individual branch.

A branch is the team of your personally invited user.

Example Calculation of Affiliate Turnover

In the first example, the amount of 50% from the rewarded actions of lower-level users does not exceed 33% of the volume of the targeted level with an Affiliate turnover requirement of 1,000,000 EST.

  1. You are in the process of reaching the sixth level and your Affiliate turnover must be 1,000,000 EST to receive a one-time bonus of 50,000 EST and move to the next level.

  2. You have three personally invited users in the first line. The volume of rewarded actions of the first user amounts to 50,000 EST, the second — 130,000 EST, and the third 120,000 EST. Since these are personally invited users, 100% of their rewarded actions are considered in the Affiliate turnover.

50,000 + 130,000 + 120,000 = 290,000 EST – the entire volume is counted towards the Affiliate turnover

Note that only the volume from rewarded actions in EST tokens goes into the team's turnover accounting.

  1. The first user you invited has invited two users and created the first branch in your team. The users of the first branch also performed rewarded actions:

  • User 1 in the amount of 103,000 EST

  • User 2 in the amount of 211,000 EST

Thus, the total turnover of the first branch consists of the sum of these action volumes — 314,000 EST. 50% of this will be credited to your Affiliate turnover, which equals 157,000 EST, since 157,000 EST is less than 33% of the turnover at the targeted level of 1,000,000 EST.

Reminder! A branch is the team of your partner who is in the first line.

  1. The second user you invited has invited four more users and created the second branch. The users of this branch also performed rewarded actions:

  • User 1 – 197,000 EST

  • User 2 – 162,000 EST

  • User 3 – 108,000 EST

  • User 4 – 143,000 EST

Thus, the total turnover of the second branch consists of the sum of these action volumes — 610,000 EST. 50% of this turnover, amounting to 305,000 EST, will be credited to your Affiliate turnover, since 305,000 EST is less than 33% of the turnover at the targeted level of 1,000,000 EST.

  1. The third user you invited has invited one user and created the third branch. The users of this branch also performed rewarded actions totaling 80,000 EST.

Thus, the turnover of the third branch is 80,000 EST. 50% of this will be credited to your Affiliate turnover, which equals 40,000 EST, since 40,000 EST is less than 33% of the turnover at the targeted level of 1,000,000 EST.

Thus, the Affiliate turnover of the team amounts to:

290,000 (turnover of the first line) + 157,000 (turnover of the first branch) + 305,000 (turnover of the second branch) + 40,000 (turnover of the third branch) = 792,000 EST

Let's consider the second example, where 50% of the rewarded actions of lower-level users exceeds 33% of the volume of the targeted level with an Affiliate turnover requirement of 1,000,000 EST.

  1. You are in the process of reaching the sixth level and your Affiliate turnover must amount to 1,000,000 EST to receive a one-time bonus of 50,000 EST and progress to the next level.

  2. You have three personally invited users in the first line. The volume of rewarded actions of the first user is 60,000 EST, the second — 110,000 EST, and the third 100,000 EST. Since these are personally invited users, 100% of their rewarded actions are considered in the Affiliate turnover.

60,000 + 110,000 + 100,000 = 270,000 EST – the entire volume is counted towards the Affiliate turnover

Note that only the volume from rewarded actions in EST tokens goes into the team's turnover accounting.

  1. The first invited user by you invited two users and created the first branch in your team. The users of the first branch also performed rewarded actions:

  • User 1 in the amount of 80,000 EST

  • User 2 in the amount of 194,000 EST

Thus, the full turnover of the first branch consists of the sum of these action volumes — 274,000 EST. 50% of this will be credited to your Affiliate turnover, which equals 137,000 EST, since 137,000 EST is less than 33% of the turnover at the targeted level of 1,000,000 EST.

  1. The second user you invited invited four more users and created a second branch. The users of this branch also performed rewarded actions:

    • User 1 – 237,000 EST

    • User 2 – 180,000 EST

    • User 3 – 112,000 EST

    • User 4 – 163,000 EST

Thus, the total turnover of the second branch consists of the sum of these action volumes — 692,000 EST. Since 50% of the total turnover of the second branch equals 346,000 EST, which is more than 33% of the targeted turnover of 1,000,000 EST, the maximum allowable amount of 333,000 EST from the second branch will be credited to your team turnover.

  1. The third user you invited invited one user and created a third branch. The users of this branch also performed rewarded actions totaling 70,000 EST.

Thus, the full turnover of the third branch is 70,000 EST. 50% of this will be credited to your Affiliate turnover, which equals 35,000 EST, since 35,000 EST is less than 33% of the turnover at the targeted level of 1,000,000 EST.

Thus, the total Affiliate turnover for your team is:

First line turnover: 270,000 EST + First branch turnover: 137,000 EST + Second branch turnover: 333,000 EST (capped at the maximum allowable) + Third branch turnover: 35,000 EST = 775,000 EST

This detailed calculation demonstrates how the Evosim Universe Affiliate program allows you to earn from the entire depth of your team and actively reach new levels. This strategy leverages not just your direct efforts but also those of your extended network, optimizing your earning potential within the system's guidelines.

Last updated