Level Up
Mechanics Level Up in EvoSim Universe
Leveling up NFTs in EvoSim Universe opens up new opportunities for increasing earnings and enhancing gameplay experience. Each Level Up increases the "Efficiency" attribute, which directly affects the amount of tokens you earn.
This guide explains how the leveling process works, its cost at each level, the time required for each increase, and how it can impact your strategies in the game.
Definition of Level Up
Upon purchasing a new NFT on the EvoSim Universe marketplace, the asset's level starts at one. Every player can increase their level by using the Level Up mechanic. By leveling up, you enhance the main attribute of the NFT – efficiency. Consequently, as efficiency increases, so does your token earnings.
In addition to efficiency, the Luck score increases with each level, which affects the likelihood of getting an eSIM box during NFT minutiae.
Performance and Luck NFT 5 rarities at levels 1 and 25
NFT Rarity | Efficiency at level 1 | Efficiency at level 25 | Luck at level 1 | Luck at level 25 |
Common | 0,48 | 2,497 | 20 | 25 |
Uncommon | 0,88 | 4.4692 | 30 | 35 |
Rare | 1,31 | 6,2271 | 40 | 45 |
Epic | 2,29 | 10,0611 | 50 | 55 |
Legendary | 2,97 | 11,7577 | 60 | 65 |
The opportunity to Level Up is opened after the player spends a certain number of megabytes. Also, leveling up to each new level has its own cost. The peculiarity is that these parameters are different for each NFT rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary).
Important. All Level Ups are done instantly without having to wait for a level up.
In the table below, you can see the cost and number of megabytes required for Level Up for NFT of each rarity.
The first column - indicates the NFT level of a particular rarity.
The second column - indicates the number of megabytes spent, which is necessary to open the possibility to make Level Up at a particular level.
The third column - is the efficiency of the NFT at a particular level.
Fourth column - denotes the Luck score at a particular level.
Fifth column - denotes the value of Level Up in EST tokens (UTL).
Sixth column - indicates the value of Level Up in ENT (GOV) tokens.
Important. Every 5 levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25) have a set "Level Up" cost that requires the use of both EST and ENT tokens to complete. For levels that do not match these key milestones, the "Level Up" cost is calculated exclusively in EST tokens.
Level Up Common
Level | MB to LvlUp | Efiiciency | Luck |
1 | - | 0.48 | 20 |
2 | 13 | 0.4897 | 20.0239 |
3 | 20 | 0.5042 | 20.0598 |
4 | 26 | 0.5235 | 20.1077 |
5 | 138 | 0.6244 | 20.3577 |
6 | 33 | 0.6485 | 20.4175 |
7 | 40 | 0.6775 | 20.4892 |
8 | 46 | 0.7113 | 20.573 |
9 | 53 | 0.7499 | 20.6687 |
10 | 207 | 0.9012 | 21.0437 |
11 | 60 | 0.9446 | 21.1513 |
12 | 66 | 0.9929 | 21.2709 |
13 | 73 | 1.046 | 21.4025 |
14 | 79 | 1.1039 | 21.5461 |
15 | 276 | 1.3056 | 22.0461 |
16 | 86 | 1.3683 | 22.2016 |
17 | 93 | 1.4359 | 22.369 |
18 | 99 | 1.5083 | 22.5484 |
19 | 106 | 1.5855 | 22.7398 |
20 | 346 | 1.8376 | 23.3648 |
21 | 112 | 1.9196 | 23.5682 |
22 | 119 | 2.0065 | 23.7835 |
23 | 126 | 2.0982 | 24.0108 |
24 | 132 | 2.1947 | 24.25 |
25 | 415 | 2.4973 | 25 |
Level Up Uncommon
Level | MB to LvlUp | Efiiciency | Luck |
1 | 0.88 | 30 | |
2 | 26 | 0.8972 | 30.0239 |
3 | 40 | 0.923 | 30.0598 |
4 | 53 | 0.9573 | 30.1077 |
5 | 276 | 1.1368 | 30.3577 |
6 | 66 | 1.1797 | 30.4175 |
7 | 79 | 1.2312 | 30.4892 |
8 | 93 | 1.2913 | 30.573 |
9 | 106 | 1.36 | 30.6687 |
10 | 415 | 1.6292 | 31.0437 |
11 | 119 | 1.7065 | 31.1513 |
12 | 132 | 1.7924 | 31.2709 |
13 | 146 | 1.8869 | 31.4025 |
14 | 159 | 1.9899 | 31.5461 |
15 | 553 | 2.3488 | 32.0461 |
16 | 172 | 2.4604 | 32.2016 |
17 | 185 | 2.5806 | 32.369 |
18 | 198 | 2.7094 | 32.5484 |
19 | 212 | 2.8468 | 32.7398 |
20 | 691 | 3.2955 | 33.3648 |
21 | 225 | 3.4415 | 33.5682 |
22 | 238 | 3.5961 | 33.7835 |
23 | 251 | 3.7592 | 34.0108 |
24 | 265 | 3.9309 | 34.25 |
25 | 829 | 4.4693 | 35 |
Level Up Rare
Level | MB to LvlUp | Efiiciency | Luck |
1 | 1.31 | 40 | |
2 | 53 | 1.3335 | 40.0239 |
3 | 79 | 1.3688 | 40.0598 |
4 | 106 | 1.4159 | 40.1077 |
5 | 553 | 1.6618 | 40.3577 |
6 | 132 | 1.7206 | 40.4175 |
7 | 159 | 1.7912 | 40.4892 |
8 | 185 | 1.8735 | 40.573 |
9 | 212 | 1.9676 | 40.6687 |
10 | 829 | 2.3364 | 41.0437 |
11 | 238 | 2.4423 | 41.1513 |
12 | 265 | 2.5599 | 41.2709 |
13 | 291 | 2.6893 | 41.4025 |
14 | 317 | 2.8305 | 41.5461 |
15 | 1106 | 3.3222 | 42.0461 |
16 | 344 | 3.4751 | 42.2016 |
17 | 370 | 3.6398 | 42.369 |
18 | 397 | 3.8163 | 42.5484 |
19 | 423 | 4.0045 | 42.7398 |
20 | 1382 | 4.6191 | 43.3648 |
21 | 450 | 4.8191 | 43.5682 |
22 | 476 | 5.0308 | 43.7835 |
23 | 503 | 5.2543 | 44.0108 |
24 | 529 | 5.4896 | 44.25 |
25 | 1659 | 6.2272 | 45 |
Level Up Epic
Level | MB to LvlUp | Efiiciency | Luck |
1 | 2.29 | 45 | |
2 | 79 | 2.3272 | 45.0239 |
3 | 119 | 2.383 | 45.0598 |
4 | 159 | 2.4574 | 45.1077 |
5 | 829 | 2.846 | 45.3577 |
6 | 198 | 2.939 | 45.4175 |
7 | 238 | 3.0505 | 45.4892 |
8 | 278 | 3.1806 | 45.573 |
9 | 317 | 3.3293 | 45.6687 |
10 | 1244 | 3.9121 | 46.0437 |
11 | 357 | 4.0794 | 46.1513 |
12 | 397 | 4.2653 | 46.2709 |
13 | 437 | 4.4698 | 46.4025 |
14 | 476 | 4.6929 | 46.5461 |
15 | 1659 | 5.47 | 47.0461 |
16 | 516 | 5.7117 | 47.2016 |
17 | 556 | 5.972 | 47.369 |
18 | 595 | 6.2509 | 47.5484 |
19 | 635 | 6.5484 | 47.7398 |
20 | 2074 | 7.5198 | 48.3648 |
21 | 675 | 7.8358 | 48.5682 |
22 | 714 | 8.1704 | 48.7835 |
23 | 754 | 8.5236 | 49.0108 |
24 | 794 | 8.8954 | 49.25 |
25 | 2488 | 10.0611 | 50 |
Level Up Legendary
Level | MB to LvlUp | Efiiciency | Luck |
1 | 2.97 | 60 | |
2 | 118 | 3.012 | 60.0239 |
3 | 176 | 3.0751 | 60.0598 |
4 | 235 | 3.1592 | 60.1077 |
5 | 1229 | 3.5986 | 60.3577 |
6 | 294 | 3.7037 | 60.4175 |
7 | 353 | 3.8298 | 60.4892 |
8 | 412 | 3.977 | 60.573 |
9 | 470 | 4.1452 | 60.6687 |
10 | 1843 | 4.8043 | 61.0437 |
11 | 529 | 4.9935 | 61.1513 |
12 | 588 | 5.2037 | 61.2709 |
13 | 647 | 5.435 | 61.4025 |
14 | 706 | 5.6873 | 61.5461 |
15 | 2458 | 6.5661 | 62.0461 |
16 | 764 | 6.8394 | 62.2016 |
17 | 823 | 7.1337 | 62.369 |
18 | 882 | 7.449 | 62.5484 |
19 | 941 | 7.7854 | 62.7398 |
20 | 3072 | 8.8839 | 63.3648 |
21 | 1000 | 9.2413 | 63.5682 |
22 | 1058 | 9.6197 | 63.7835 |
23 | 1117 | 10.0191 | 64.0108 |
24 | 1176 | 10.4396 | 64.25 |
25 | 3686 | 11.7578 | 65 |
The "Level Up" system provides an additional strategic layer to the game in EvoSim Universe, where players need to consider the optimal paths for developing their assets, taking into account the cost, time, and potential for efficiency growth of their NFTs.
Level Up allows players to increase the level of their gaming assets, improving their efficiency with each new level. This not only increases the asset's ability to generate resources but also makes the game more engaging as players strive to reach the maximum potential of their NFTs.
Last updated